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Organisations are facing mounting pressure to cut costs due to changing business and economic conditions. Technology plays a critical role in bringing all areas of a business together, helping identify areas to reduce costs and improve overall efficiency. 

For flight operations teams, efficiency has always been a necessity. Having a passion for, and taking advantage of new technologies to tackle the challenges that flight teams are presented with is a huge part of running operations responsibly and with resilience, particularly in the current crisis.  Organisations must enable data, intelligence and insights to be available in an instant, wherever and whenever they are needed. With agility, flexibility and the ability to work remotely businesses can act swiftly to steer a new course with confidence and adapt to evolving global challenges.  

Flight departments are increasingly using new platforms that support data analytics, AI and greater automation, to drive digital experiences that help their teams gain insights and become more efficient, work more intelligently and reduce costs. However, is your legacy on-premise system holding you back and preventing you from working as well as you could be?  

Without Cloud-based software, and the ability to work remotelyorganisations can’t carry out many operations that are totally necessary for their day to day running. For example, it would be more challenging for Operations Managers to access real-time flight information for their companies from anywhere in the world. Companies also have a harder time-sharing information securely with colleagues across the ocean – or even just in their city. Even short physical distances would present a challenge for collaboration between coworkers making processes complex and time consuming. 

The Cloud makes access to data, including things such as finances, KPI’s, and analytics quick and easyCloud-based SaaS air operation systems bring networks together and do these tasks seamlessly so that businesses can quickly overcome daily problems and challenges. In today’s world, travelling back and forth to multiple locations, manually processing data, or using clunky on-premise solutions is no longer a necessity, saving significant time and manpower.  

A recent study by EBAA suggests that one of the most common changes business aviation companies have made in order to cut costs during this time is a reduction in hours for staff. This means that more work falls on smaller teams, stretching capacity and teams to the limit.  

The Cloud allows flight departments to greatly reduce the need for full time staff by streamlining communications and eliminating some manual processes all together. The savings can be almost immediate. Executive management and staff will save time and be more productive due to far less interruptions of servicesEmployees can concentrate on what they were hired to do rather than worry about how systems are operating or manually inputting data. It is hard to put a price on how much increased productivity means to an organisation, but after all, time is money.  

The myairops product suite reduces the complexities of managing continuing airworthiness, FBO & airport operationsaviation operations, and aircraft management operations by simplifying them it into a logical set of workflows with a focus on real-time data. The result improves asset productivity, lowers operational costs and increases business efficiency.  

Use airops to organise teams, cut down on communications and have staff and equipment in the right place at the right time. Schedule reports for regular production and sharing, cutting down on administrative and analysis duties. As these needs are eliminated on your end, you can free up your you and your staff to focus on business development and strategy instead, areas which will ultimately make more money for the company. If necessary, in some cases team sizes can also be reduced. This is especially beneficial for organisations who are looking to reduce costs or utilize working remotely. 

If you’d like to find out more about how myairops can support your flight department then please contact us UK: +44 (0) 1252 984 610 US: +1 754 231 8091 Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required.