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Leah VanBuren, Sales Manager, myairops USA talks to us about joining the company, opening a new office in Florida, and what her plans are for the coming months.
Leah, you’re relatively new to the company, so how have the last few weeks been since you’ve started?  
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of excitement! From traveling to Europe to meet and train with the UK team, to further training with our Managing Director, Tim, at the Fort Lauderdale office. Most recently I attended NBAA PBI forum with both the US and UK sales team! The more I learn about our software, the more excited I am about all the possibilities we have to offer to the aviation industry!
What brought you into myairops in the first place?  
The position at airops was intriguing to me because I understand and appreciate the capabilities and importance of SaaS solutions. In addition to that, I love the aviation industry! Finding out more about the growth of the business and new USA office made the role even more appealing. After meeting Tim and hearing his excitement for what airops has to offer, the confidence behind the suite of products, and how quickly the business was expanding – it was no brainer for me!
Tell us more about the new USA office 
Opening an office in Florida, in addition to our presence in Europe, is really exciting for us. It will further strengthen our service capabilities in the market and it also gives us more opportunities to have face to face time with our US and South American customer base. It’s also great as it means I don’t have to relocate!
Why Florida?
So, Florida houses one of the USA’s largest tech industries, which means it’s an ideal location to continue adapting the airops product suite. It is also one of the nation’s largest aerospace and aviation industries, which also means that we’ll have access to the finest product development talent in the region. All of this basically makes Florida a perfect location for us!
So, what’s next? 
In the short time I’ve been in this industry I’ve already met so many incredible people. I am excited to grow and expand on these relationships, as well as develop new ones. What’s next?! We are going to be at San Jose, CA for the NBAA Regional Forum at the beginning of March and then in Charlotte, NC the following week for the Schedulers and Dispatchers conference! In terms of the software development side, we are always adding new features to our products dependent on the requests of our customers and continued changes in the aviation industry to ensure we are always at the forefront of innovation!
Finally, before working at myairops, what was the most unusual job you had? 
Okay, I have two! After college, I spent a year in Miami modelling for Elite Model Management. This was a huge opportunity and amazing experience, but it wasn’t a good fit for me. My other unusual past job was DJing! I love music and it is a big part of my family, so this was a hobby that turned into revenue!